avatar for cgrail
Christian Grail
6,068 tweets
7,637 commits
Christian Grail spends 44% of their time tweeting and 56% of their time coding
Christian Grail and Frederik Held are 95% compatible as cofounders
Frederik Held
7,958 tweets
5,651 commits
avatar for frederikheld
Frederik Held spends 58% of their time tweeting and 42% of their time coding
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avatar for mjovanc

Marcus Cvjeticanin

@mjovanc3,851 followers7,616 tweets6,123 commits
99% match
avatar for thesoftwarejedi


@thesoftwarejedi1,556 followers7,837 tweets6,055 commits
98% match
avatar for hievalir


@hievalir2,348 followers7,665 tweets6,349 commits
98% match
avatar for dviana19

Diogo Viana 🇧🇷🇩🇪

@dviana193,957 followers7,761 tweets5,778 commits
97% match
avatar for octavioamu

Octavio A.

@octavioamu516 followers7,641 tweets6,505 commits
97% match
avatar for jayair


@jayair3,522 followers8,005 tweets5,969 commits
97% match
avatar for t0m0120

Tomoya Takanishi

@t0m01201,811 followers7,543 tweets6,465 commits
96% match
avatar for fabiangosebrink

Fabian Gosebrink @ 🏡🇨🇭

@fabiangosebrink2,667 followers8,107 tweets6,170 commits
96% match
avatar for n3oney


@n3oney483 followers8,174 tweets6,015 commits
96% match
avatar for nickparsons

Nick Parsons

@nickparsons42,069 followers7,466 tweets5,644 commits
96% match
avatar for muellerberndt

Bernhard Mueller

@muellerberndt13,609 followers7,036 tweets6,076 commits
96% match
avatar for nirantk


@nirantk12,774 followers7,724 tweets6,598 commits
95% match
avatar for carlosedp

Carlos Eduardo (@carlosedp@fosstodon.org)

@carlosedp2,324 followers7,526 tweets5,501 commits
95% match
avatar for frederikheld

Frederik Held

@frederikheld532 followers7,958 tweets5,651 commits
95% match
avatar for danielmullin


@danielmullin182 followers7,108 tweets6,282 commits
95% match
avatar for learnerbr

Bora Lee 🇰🇷🏋‍♀️

@learnerbr3,393 followers7,309 tweets5,636 commits
94% match