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Marc Mas
5,371 tweets
250 commits
Marc Mas spends 96% of their time tweeting and 4% of their time coding
Marc Mas and Arin Faraj ๐Ÿ’™ are 99% compatible as cofounders
Arin Faraj ๐Ÿ’™
283 tweets
5,397 commits
avatar for arinfaraj
Arin Faraj ๐Ÿ’™ spends 5% of their time tweeting and 95% of their time coding
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avatar for msp99000


@msp99000173 followers254 tweets5,357 commits
100% match
avatar for endeepfour


@endeepfour40 followers242 tweets5,359 commits
100% match
avatar for zehan9211

Zehan Khan ๐Ÿ‘พ

@zehan9211103 followers249 tweets5,320 commits
99% match
avatar for arinfaraj

Arin Faraj ๐Ÿ’™

@arinfaraj184 followers283 tweets5,397 commits
99% match
avatar for michiel_dev


@michiel_dev3,211 followers307 tweets5,361 commits
99% match
avatar for yildirayunlu

Yฤฑldฤฑray รœnlรผ

@yildirayunlu210 followers211 tweets5,410 commits
99% match
avatar for jcatello

Justin Catello

@jcatello39 followers180 tweets5,361 commits
99% match
avatar for vitaly_so


@vitaly_so69 followers251 tweets5,451 commits
99% match
avatar for whosmatu


@whosmatu47 followers173 tweets5,376 commits
99% match
avatar for virajjoshi_

Viraj Joshi

@virajjoshi_185 followers228 tweets5,302 commits
98% match
avatar for vicke4

Ganapathy Vignesh

@vicke4310 followers267 tweets5,446 commits
98% match
avatar for pitzzahh143


@pitzzahh1437 followers347 tweets5,369 commits
98% match
avatar for rahmanramsi

Rahman Ramsi

@rahmanramsi23 followers328 tweets5,396 commits
98% match
avatar for jikkai

Ivan Zhikov

@jikkai143 followers207 tweets5,436 commits
98% match
avatar for ardaogulcan

Arda PektaลŸ

@ardaogulcan108 followers260 tweets5,471 commits
98% match
avatar for andreicek

Andrei C

@andreicek38 followers196 tweets5,312 commits
98% match