avatar for idhant297
257 tweets
263 commits
idhant spends 49% of their time tweeting and 51% of their time coding
idhant and Rishabh Thukral (rtspeaks360.eth) are 92% compatible as cofounders
Rishabh Thukral (rtspeaks360.eth) spends 54% of their time tweeting and 46% of their time coding
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avatar for pisyek

Ahmad Pisyek (P. Tech)

@pisyek1,160 followers257 tweets261 commits
98% match
avatar for benjamin_gentil

Benjamin Gentil @bengentil@hachyderm.io

@benjamin_gentil89 followers265 tweets246 commits
98% match
avatar for _kylerobins


@_kylerobins194 followers260 tweets243 commits
97% match
avatar for sulujulianto

Sulu Edward Julianto

@sulujulianto84 followers251 tweets247 commits
96% match
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@yihyuncs44 followers280 tweets251 commits
96% match
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Satyam Jha

@satyam_codes99 followers246 tweets247 commits
95% match
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@veidroz57 followers285 tweets264 commits
94% match
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Luifer Eduardo Ortega

@luifereduardoo12 followers265 tweets285 commits
94% match
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@muhidabidcs119 followers286 tweets267 commits
94% match
avatar for ltmenezes

Leonardo Menezes

@ltmenezes1,922 followers292 tweets263 commits
93% match
avatar for bart_ilg

Bart Ilg

@bart_ilg18 followers269 tweets227 commits
93% match
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Ritika Pahwa

@ritikapahwa444450 followers249 tweets280 commits
93% match
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@voromade224 followers246 tweets279 commits
93% match
avatar for sycration


@sycration3 followers290 tweets245 commits
93% match
avatar for tejaspatel1532

Tejas Patel

@tejaspatel1532132 followers273 tweets227 commits
92% match
avatar for rtspeaks360

Rishabh Thukral (rtspeaks360.eth)

@rtspeaks360281 followers260 tweets219 commits
92% match