avatar for jeasoft
Jearel Alcantara
4,969 tweets
950 commits
Jearel Alcantara spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
Jearel Alcantara and ˗ˏˋ Vaibhavraj ˎˊ˗ are 96% compatible as cofounders
˗ˏˋ Vaibhavraj ˎˊ˗
1,147 tweets
5,017 commits
avatar for vrajroham
˗ˏˋ Vaibhavraj ˎˊ˗ spends 19% of their time tweeting and 81% of their time coding
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avatar for x0000ff


@x0000ff126 followers978 tweets4,937 commits
99% match
avatar for iporollo

Ivan Porollo

@iporollo2,269 followers972 tweets4,913 commits
99% match
avatar for manuelduarte077

Don Manuel Duarte 🇳🇮 💙 

@manuelduarte077139 followers933 tweets5,044 commits
98% match
avatar for hyetigran


@hyetigran214 followers908 tweets5,067 commits
98% match
avatar for koide_dev


@koide_dev858 followers955 tweets4,834 commits
98% match
avatar for whiteoakkong


@whiteoakkong3,808 followers978 tweets4,838 commits
97% match
avatar for _oliverlaz

Oliver Lazoroski

@_oliverlaz610 followers968 tweets4,819 commits
97% match
avatar for birjuvachhani

Birju Vachhani 💙

@birjuvachhani389 followers1,051 tweets4,901 commits
97% match
avatar for lucaspimentel

Lucas Pimentel

@lucaspimentel186 followers1,048 tweets4,877 commits
97% match
avatar for ricvillagrana

Ricardo Villagrana

@ricvillagrana127 followers1,090 tweets5,041 commits
96% match
avatar for bsn4_


@bsn4_254 followers1,008 tweets5,126 commits
96% match
avatar for tvytlx

Xiao Tan

@tvytlx3,086 followers762 tweets4,933 commits
96% match
avatar for torukmnk

Guillermo Quezada

@torukmnk226 followers744 tweets5,007 commits
96% match
avatar for biostate56

Süleyman Özgür Özarpacı

@biostate5650 followers857 tweets4,818 commits
96% match
avatar for vrajroham

˗ˏˋ Vaibhavraj ˎˊ˗

@vrajroham440 followers1,147 tweets5,017 commits
96% match
avatar for nitinprakash96

Nitin prakash

@nitinprakash96100 followers895 tweets4,778 commits
96% match