avatar for joshwrn
20 tweets
791 commits
josh spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
josh and Hsiang are 96% compatible as cofounders
804 tweets
1 commits
avatar for sootao
Hsiang spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for kylezgq

Kyle Cheung

@kylezgq953 followers793 tweets22 commits
100% match
avatar for luis_mgp

Luis Miguel GP

@luis_mgp18 followers798 tweets16 commits
99% match
avatar for 0xuchihamrx

Abdelrhman Amin🇵🇸

@0xuchihamrx1,658 followers787 tweets9 commits
98% match
avatar for danielstormapps

Daniel Storm

@danielstormapps8,417 followers792 tweets6 commits
98% match
avatar for alanacostabz


@alanacostabz49 followers789 tweets6 commits
98% match
avatar for phunkren

Andrew James

@phunkren294 followers798 tweets38 commits
97% match
avatar for 7eoaldamas


@7eoaldamas73 followers803 tweets34 commits
97% match
avatar for marcelmejia

Marcel Mejia

@marcelmejia358 followers782 tweets3 commits
97% match
avatar for torfoes


@torfoes169 followers795 tweets44 commits
97% match
avatar for ph4seon3

Jeffy K.

@ph4seon31,491 followers806 tweets34 commits
96% match
avatar for crazyws


@crazyws956 followers781 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for ibepeer


@ibepeer306 followers765 tweets15 commits
96% match
avatar for jameskerens

James Kerens

@jameskerens57 followers760 tweets20 commits
96% match
avatar for sootao


@sootao293 followers804 tweets1 commits
96% match
avatar for th30z

Matteo Bertozzi

@th30z218 followers764 tweets10 commits
95% match
avatar for kanwadesu


@kanwadesu21 followers809 tweets1 commits
95% match