avatar for lamusjc
3,075 tweets
44 commits
Julio spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
Julio and Tyler Sehr are 98% compatible as cofounders
Tyler Sehr
2 tweets
3,083 commits
avatar for tylersehr
Tyler Sehr spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for youssdevx


@youssdevx53 followers43 tweets3,075 commits
100% match
avatar for craigsimps

Craig Simpson

@craigsimps202 followers43 tweets3,075 commits
100% match
avatar for nasirnobin

Nasir Nobin

@nasirnobin158 followers19 tweets3,081 commits
99% match
avatar for jacksonhardaway


@jacksonhardaway716 followers26 tweets3,096 commits
99% match
avatar for reversesigh

Mitches n' Bitches

@reversesigh5 followers40 tweets3,036 commits
99% match
avatar for sawyerh


@sawyerh2,221 followers88 tweets3,076 commits
99% match
avatar for vcoutasso


@vcoutasso12 followers0 tweets3,076 commits
99% match
avatar for rivernate

Nathan Mills

@rivernate11 followers7 tweets3,085 commits
98% match
avatar for rick_decart

Азиз Гафуров

@rick_decart6 followers25 tweets3,103 commits
98% match
avatar for tylersehr

Tyler Sehr

@tylersehr0 followers2 tweets3,083 commits
98% match
avatar for mumincelal

Mümin Celal Tereci

@mumincelal0 followers1 tweets3,065 commits
98% match
avatar for shanrauf


@shanrauf3 followers0 tweets3,086 commits
98% match
avatar for baspa

Bas Spaapen

@baspa102 followers20 tweets3,043 commits
98% match
avatar for ombayus1


@ombayus130 followers41 tweets3,129 commits
98% match
avatar for thrombe

yash thombare

@thrombe5 followers0 tweets3,061 commits
98% match
avatar for cchitiva7

Cristian Chitiva

@cchitiva736 followers30 tweets3,029 commits
98% match