avatar for lordcatiii
Lord Cat
587 tweets
338 commits
Lord Cat spends 63% of their time tweeting and 37% of their time coding
Lord Cat and Ricardo Cuan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¦ are 97% compatible as cofounders
Ricardo Cuan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¦ spends 38% of their time tweeting and 62% of their time coding
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avatar for 21namanpandey

Naman Pandey

@21namanpandey43 followers340 tweets583 commits
99% match
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Bebek 🐀

@roastedduk206 followers334 tweets590 commits
99% match
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Charly Poly

@whereischarly1,210 followers354 tweets590 commits
98% match
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@starundrscre90 followers342 tweets570 commits
98% match
avatar for rishi99876

Rishi Patel

@rishi99876109 followers317 tweets584 commits
97% match
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Marco Troisi

@marcotroisi602 followers316 tweets589 commits
97% match
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@legacynical25 followers359 tweets582 commits
97% match
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@zeendy_dev46 followers322 tweets597 commits
97% match
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Мишаня, кста

@m1xxos35 followers336 tweets612 commits
97% match
avatar for ricardocuan

Ricardo Cuan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¦

@ricardocuan67 followers356 tweets577 commits
97% match
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@khaleel_habib364 followers363 tweets590 commits
97% match
avatar for mzrnsh

Giorgi M.

@mzrnsh790 followers316 tweets594 commits
97% match
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Okello Enos πŸ’™

@okelloenos277 followers307 tweets587 commits
97% match
avatar for pbelaramani

Pooja Belaramani

@pbelaramani1,270 followers365 tweets578 commits
96% match
avatar for kishangupta4514

Kishan Gupta

@kishangupta451495 followers353 tweets558 commits
95% match
avatar for halidislm


@halidislm506 followers365 tweets608 commits
95% match