The best cofounder for Francis Masha is...

avatar for milkybeargeek
Sri Lakshmi✨
avatar for mashafrancis
Francis Masha
20 tweets
619 commits
Francis Masha spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Francis Masha and Sri Lakshmi✨ are 99% compatible as cofounders
Sri Lakshmi✨
622 tweets
18 commits
avatar for milkybeargeek
Sri Lakshmi✨ spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
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avatar for nikitadrokin


@nikitadrokin30 followers629 tweets26 commits
97% match
avatar for avx128


@avx128798 followers626 tweets10 commits
97% match
avatar for petewosso

Pete Wosso

@petewosso191 followers617 tweets1 commits
97% match
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Manuel Castillo

@manu23manuel162 followers627 tweets3 commits
96% match
avatar for adigunq_adigun


@adigunq_adigun317 followers640 tweets25 commits
96% match
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Pepe Aleu Núñez

@pepealeu140 followers644 tweets25 commits
95% match
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Aarav Garg

@theaaravgarg349 followers624 tweets48 commits
95% match
avatar for almicsen


@almicsen291 followers613 tweets47 commits
95% match
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ㄟ°o ¬ oㄟ DeviZowl the Slimey Owl (⓿v⓿)

@devizowl107 followers638 tweets4 commits
95% match
avatar for pablotpy

Pablo torres

@pablotpy26 followers602 tweets39 commits
94% match
avatar for veyroncx__


@veyroncx__106 followers646 tweets10 commits
94% match
avatar for prrthamm

Pratham (🎒,🌍)

@prrthamm751 followers639 tweets3 commits
94% match
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Advait Raykar

@advaitraykar238 followers599 tweets0 commits
94% match
avatar for jmalonsos

Joan Alonso

@jmalonsos94 followers633 tweets46 commits
94% match
avatar for pratikshit0


@pratikshit014 followers586 tweets29 commits
93% match