avatar for moonrailgun
Lyon Chen
293 tweets
18,995 commits
Lyon Chen spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
Lyon Chen and ganainmtech.algo (SJ)🇺🇦🇮🇪 are 99% compatible as cofounders
ganainmtech.algo (SJ)🇺🇦🇮🇪 spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for dotcsv

Carlos Santana

@dotcsv176,181 followers18,985 tweets287 commits
100% match
avatar for lvcios


@lvcios677 followers19,126 tweets335 commits
99% match
avatar for ganainmtech

ganainmtech.algo (SJ)🇺🇦🇮🇪

@ganainmtech2,328 followers19,126 tweets216 commits
99% match
avatar for lukynkacze

🩷 LukynkaCZE 🏳️‍⚧️

@lukynkacze993 followers18,975 tweets602 commits
98% match
avatar for declank

Declan Kelly

@declank4,726 followers19,157 tweets40 commits
98% match
avatar for smb510

Scottie Biddle

@smb510304 followers18,723 tweets440 commits
98% match
avatar for rootdraws


@rootdraws1,032 followers19,362 tweets217 commits
98% match
avatar for heymattia

Mattia Righetti 👨‍🚀

@heymattia3,568 followers19,176 tweets6 commits
98% match
avatar for sirarsalih

Sirar Salih

@sirarsalih4,173 followers19,185 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for xcryptik

@xcryptik554 followers18,573 tweets187 commits
97% match
avatar for shubhxms

shubham シ

@shubhxms787 followers19,501 tweets317 commits
97% match
avatar for iskander

alex rubinsteyn

@iskander5,282 followers19,245 tweets2 commits
97% match
avatar for sendomoka

🕳️ jehian

@sendomoka302 followers18,573 tweets112 commits
97% match
avatar for manuelsrleon


@manuelsrleon678 followers18,392 tweets304 commits
97% match
avatar for beepsterr

Pix’d Pansy

@beepsterr556 followers19,630 tweets308 commits
97% match
avatar for ramadhanrezza

M Rezza Ramadhan

@ramadhanrezza712 followers18,474 tweets144 commits
97% match