avatar for obluda3
4,106 tweets
723 commits
Obluda spends 85% of their time tweeting and 15% of their time coding
Obluda and Shreyas are 96% compatible as cofounders
701 tweets
4,270 commits
avatar for shreyas4_
Shreyas spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
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avatar for asl_berkan

Berkan Aslan

@asl_berkan2,921 followers664 tweets4,130 commits
98% match
avatar for meeshbhoombah

πŸ¦‡ 𝐌 Ξ Ξ 𝐒 𝐇 πŸ”Š

@meeshbhoombah245 followers677 tweets4,153 commits
98% match
avatar for eash98

Eshwaran Venkat

@eash9893 followers737 tweets4,012 commits
98% match
avatar for sharqiewicz

Kacper Szarkiewicz🦈

@sharqiewicz99 followers825 tweets4,113 commits
98% match
avatar for abdulbasitgd

Abdul Basit

@abdulbasitgd1,433 followers638 tweets4,135 commits
98% match
avatar for lanlanlanpai

jihoon πŸ‡βœ¨

@lanlanlanpai170 followers768 tweets4,037 commits
98% match
avatar for skhaz

Rodrigo Delduca

@skhaz0 followers798 tweets4,064 commits
98% match
avatar for leoneljdias

Leonel Dias

@leoneljdias406 followers659 tweets4,045 commits
97% match
avatar for imperiusds


@imperiusds790 followers805 tweets4,165 commits
97% match
avatar for fcmam5

Fortas Abdeldjalil

@fcmam5422 followers780 tweets4,197 commits
97% match
avatar for ifox

Quentin Renard

@ifox444 followers710 tweets4,246 commits
97% match
avatar for mateusfreira

Mateus Freira

@mateusfreira229 followers840 tweets4,057 commits
97% match
avatar for vinesmsuic

Max Ku

@vinesmsuic116 followers779 tweets3,989 commits
96% match
avatar for fazttech


@fazttech44,059 followers901 tweets4,106 commits
96% match
avatar for shreyas4_


@shreyas4_219 followers701 tweets4,270 commits
96% match
avatar for sholderbach

Stefan Holderbach

@sholderbach224 followers625 tweets4,018 commits
96% match