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6,299 tweets
357 commits
Milhas spends 95% of their time tweeting and 5% of their time coding
Milhas and Elegido a Dedo are 99% compatible as cofounders
Elegido a Dedo
378 tweets
6,261 commits
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Elegido a Dedo spends 6% of their time tweeting and 94% of their time coding
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avatar for stergosz

Stergos Zamagias

@stergosz141 followers404 tweets6,301 commits
99% match
avatar for slava_trushkin

Vjacheslav Trushkin

@slava_trushkin376 followers347 tweets6,342 commits
99% match
avatar for elegidoadedo

Elegido a Dedo

@elegidoadedo34 followers378 tweets6,261 commits
99% match
avatar for falconets


@falconets77 followers330 tweets6,261 commits
99% match
avatar for hsemix

Hamid Semix

@hsemix85 followers291 tweets6,284 commits
99% match
avatar for mohamedelraghy

Mohamed EL-Raghy

@mohamedelraghy91 followers397 tweets6,363 commits
98% match
avatar for gepaoletti

Guillermo Paoletti

@gepaoletti737 followers317 tweets6,234 commits
98% match
avatar for tomczykpatryk

Patryk Tomczyk

@tomczykpatryk251 followers326 tweets6,210 commits
98% match
avatar for carstenlebek1


@carstenlebek1454 followers317 tweets6,383 commits
98% match
avatar for syofyan_zuhad

Syofyan Zuhad 🇵🇸

@syofyan_zuhad225 followers454 tweets6,331 commits
98% match
avatar for intemerson

Emerson Hsieh

@intemerson6,530 followers276 tweets6,250 commits
98% match
avatar for _inthedoorway


@_inthedoorway126 followers444 tweets6,352 commits
98% match
avatar for dotsconnectus

Tim Welch

@dotsconnectus220 followers200 tweets6,298 commits
98% match
avatar for abetlen


@abetlen1,387 followers268 tweets6,229 commits
98% match
avatar for code_typist


@code_typist155 followers436 tweets6,382 commits
98% match
avatar for fnlog0

Nasim Akhtar

@fnlog0303 followers370 tweets6,143 commits
97% match