avatar for pablosanzo
Pablo Sanzo
450 tweets
257 commits
Pablo Sanzo spends 64% of their time tweeting and 36% of their time coding
Pablo Sanzo and Farzad Yousefzadeh are 93% compatible as cofounders
Farzad Yousefzadeh
280 tweets
476 commits
avatar for farzad_yz
Farzad Yousefzadeh spends 37% of their time tweeting and 63% of their time coding
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avatar for hasnezz

حسن عز

@hasnezz407 followers251 tweets450 commits
99% match
avatar for gaspihabif

Gaspi Habif

@gaspihabif72 followers263 tweets448 commits
99% match
avatar for irisvanollefen

Iris van Ollefen

@irisvanollefen64 followers246 tweets451 commits
98% match
avatar for dainik_bheda


@dainik_bheda172 followers253 tweets436 commits
97% match
avatar for prayagbhatt2003

Prayag Bhatt

@prayagbhatt2003245 followers244 tweets443 commits
97% match
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Achal Bajpai

@axhaltwts500 followers234 tweets442 commits
96% match
avatar for aaronbassett

Aaron Bassett

@aaronbassett4,603 followers258 tweets418 commits
95% match
avatar for jasimpk99


@jasimpk9955 followers260 tweets419 commits
95% match
avatar for opensourceyllen

Y. Fernández

@opensourceyllen48 followers230 tweets457 commits
95% match
avatar for anirudhasah

APS | Anirudha Pratap Sah

@anirudhasah11 followers220 tweets448 commits
94% match
avatar for godazz_

Ahmed Abd El-Gawad

@godazz_40 followers256 tweets490 commits
94% match
avatar for amsoicy


@amsoicy19 followers240 tweets476 commits
94% match
avatar for elisezerotwo

Elise 🐈‍⬛🖤🦀

@elisezerotwo485 followers241 tweets421 commits
94% match
avatar for farzad_yz

Farzad Yousefzadeh

@farzad_yz2,477 followers280 tweets476 commits
93% match
avatar for deepanshus7943

Deepanshu Saini

@deepanshus7943141 followers262 tweets406 commits
93% match
avatar for azimhamxa

Azim Hamza ✸

@azimhamxa183 followers225 tweets467 commits
93% match