avatar for pantharshit00
Harshit Pant
1,121 tweets
3,402 commits
Harshit Pant spends 25% of their time tweeting and 75% of their time coding
Harshit Pant and Bob Ziroll are 98% compatible as cofounders
Bob Ziroll
3,420 tweets
1,210 commits
avatar for bobziroll
Bob Ziroll spends 74% of their time tweeting and 26% of their time coding
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avatar for olance

Olivier Lance

@olance353 followers3,423 tweets1,079 commits
99% match
avatar for dew_yashtwt

Yash Dewasthale | SoFlow

@dew_yashtwt476 followers3,380 tweets1,075 commits
98% match
avatar for danish__an

Danish 𝕩

@danish__an269 followers3,456 tweets1,139 commits
98% match
avatar for chrisnaadhip

Chrisna Adhi Pranoto

@chrisnaadhip132 followers3,369 tweets1,060 commits
98% match
avatar for yadoy666


@yadoy666469 followers3,322 tweets1,103 commits
98% match
avatar for johngarciadev

John Garcia

@johngarciadev271 followers3,430 tweets1,199 commits
98% match
avatar for bobziroll

Bob Ziroll

@bobziroll22,211 followers3,420 tweets1,210 commits
98% match
avatar for param3021

Parampreet Singh - Building SocialRepo

@param3021473 followers3,514 tweets1,104 commits
97% match
avatar for weilbyte


@weilbyte199 followers3,384 tweets1,243 commits
97% match
avatar for jonathanrangelb

JonaScript 𒉭

@jonathanrangelb117 followers3,489 tweets1,067 commits
97% match
avatar for saint_1bp7l


@saint_1bp7l963 followers3,522 tweets1,144 commits
97% match
avatar for jlgarridol

José Luis Garrido Labrador

@jlgarridol283 followers3,304 tweets1,178 commits
97% match
avatar for jakepixl

Jake Evans

@jakepixl242 followers3,392 tweets975 commits
97% match
avatar for kalo_nazih

nazih | نزيه 👨🏼‍💻🍉🥤

@kalo_nazih925 followers3,490 tweets1,189 commits
97% match
avatar for akansha2001

Akansha Jain (she/her) 💙

@akansha20013,599 followers3,249 tweets1,111 commits
96% match
avatar for notcodesid


@notcodesid4,279 followers3,378 tweets977 commits
96% match