avatar for plawlost
1,155 tweets
368 commits
Yaz spends 76% of their time tweeting and 24% of their time coding
Yaz and Jay Parmar are 97% compatible as cofounders
Jay Parmar
356 tweets
1,186 commits
avatar for _jaystwt
Jay Parmar spends 23% of their time tweeting and 77% of their time coding
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avatar for leotronchon

Leo Tronchon

@leotronchon727 followers377 tweets1,144 commits
99% match
avatar for devaaa_19

Deva Anand

@devaaa_1990 followers351 tweets1,160 commits
99% match
avatar for oxeac7

Shivam Bhatnagar

@oxeac726 followers388 tweets1,170 commits
98% match
avatar for fold_left

Jamie Mason

@fold_left1,924 followers355 tweets1,132 commits
98% match
avatar for cristicrtu


@cristicrtu2,665 followers378 tweets1,182 commits
98% match
avatar for natino45

Nathaniel Ashiagbor

@natino45117 followers365 tweets1,117 commits
97% match
avatar for genius_nirmit

Nirmit Pandya

@genius_nirmit183 followers409 tweets1,156 commits
97% match
avatar for _jaystwt

Jay Parmar

@_jaystwt335 followers356 tweets1,186 commits
97% match
avatar for fatpandac


@fatpandac79 followers326 tweets1,153 commits
97% match
avatar for meschacirung

Méschac Irung

@meschacirung432 followers382 tweets1,187 commits
97% match
avatar for nrjshka

Max Korolev

@nrjshka526 followers395 tweets1,176 commits
97% match
avatar for zeroekkusu00x

Zero Ekkusu / ゼロエックス

@zeroekkusu00x945 followers318 tweets1,155 commits
97% match
avatar for tufdev


@tufdev85 followers369 tweets1,106 commits
97% match
avatar for mvanshika23

Vanshika Mishra

@mvanshika23500 followers335 tweets1,177 commits
96% match
avatar for keisukefd


@keisukefd57 followers327 tweets1,141 commits
96% match
avatar for plebhash


@plebhash494 followers420 tweets1,158 commits
96% match