The best cofounder for praeludium🎵 is...

avatar for ganyicz
Filip Ganyicz
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6,707 tweets
529 commits
praeludium🎵 spends 93% of their time tweeting and 7% of their time coding
praeludium🎵 and Filip Ganyicz are 99% compatible as cofounders
Filip Ganyicz
568 tweets
6,750 commits
avatar for ganyicz
Filip Ganyicz spends 8% of their time tweeting and 92% of their time coding
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Evan Boyle

@_evan_boyle299 followers523 tweets6,623 commits
99% match
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@majmudaradam10,476 followers553 tweets6,777 commits
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Pascal Meunier

@milhouse1337187 followers537 tweets6,618 commits
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Josua Zurbrügg

@josuazurbruegg357 followers587 tweets6,768 commits
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@belaytinsae150 followers486 tweets6,623 commits
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Pete Cooper

@petecoop110 followers535 tweets6,831 commits
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brock ⚡🤖

@zeroxbrock2,292 followers411 tweets6,724 commits
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@mylesdev716 followers654 tweets6,691 commits
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Vaibhav Shinde

@vaibhavshn189 followers613 tweets6,633 commits
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@lobomfz659 followers593 tweets6,594 commits
98% match
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Oleg | Front-End Architecture

@oleglustenko372 followers433 tweets6,796 commits
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@arthurlch120 followers527 tweets6,522 commits
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Matthew Secrist

@_matthewsecrist122 followers339 tweets6,703 commits
97% match
avatar for freddie_v4

Freddie Vargus

@freddie_v4649 followers356 tweets6,753 commits
97% match
avatar for jimmyhmiller

Jimmy Miller

@jimmyhmiller922 followers688 tweets6,783 commits
97% match