The best cofounder for Priyangshu is...

avatar for jereques
Jeremy Henriques
avatar for priyanggshu
14 tweets
99 commits
Priyangshu spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
Priyangshu and Jeremy Henriques are 96% compatible as cofounders
Jeremy Henriques spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
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Alejandro II

@diekgonski78 followers96 tweets12 commits
96% match
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Jimmy Villavicencio

@jvillavicencio40 followers96 tweets10 commits
94% match
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@juxtaleafy6 followers93 tweets13 commits
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Neil Dahiya

@neildahiya97 followers94 tweets11 commits
93% match
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Nicolas Horváth

@nicolashorvath_61 followers91 tweets15 commits
92% match
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@mbalaam31 followers98 tweets5 commits
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Idries Ahamed K A

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90% match
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@nasch30 followers100 tweets1 commits
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Dan Wolchonok

@danwolch2,194 followers99 tweets0 commits
88% match
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Devlin Duldulao

@devlinduldulao1,012 followers100 tweets0 commits
87% match
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Dick van de Meulengraaf

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Félix López Capel

@felixlopez6,913 followers97 tweets0 commits
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@hoshiyari420387 followers109 tweets20 commits
86% match