avatar for rodriamarog
1,570 tweets
614 commits
daily_dev spends 72% of their time tweeting and 28% of their time coding
daily_dev and oca.computer (⨍) are 97% compatible as cofounders
oca.computer (⨍)
558 tweets
1,582 commits
avatar for ocuatrecasas
oca.computer (⨍) spends 26% of their time tweeting and 74% of their time coding
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avatar for fedealvz

Federico Álvarez

@fedealvz770 followers627 tweets1,547 commits
98% match
avatar for philipp_parzer

Philipp Parzer

@philipp_parzer139 followers612 tweets1,610 commits
98% match
avatar for akime_aki


@akime_aki46 followers603 tweets1,627 commits
97% match
avatar for ocuatrecasas

oca.computer (⨍)

@ocuatrecasas407 followers558 tweets1,582 commits
97% match
avatar for samoth690


@samoth69059 followers574 tweets1,541 commits
97% match
avatar for sagnikcw


@sagnikcw158 followers612 tweets1,498 commits
97% match
avatar for mjzuppe

mark z

@mjzuppe312 followers619 tweets1,644 commits
96% match
avatar for guachamalinga


@guachamalinga17 followers671 tweets1,545 commits
96% match
avatar for lerdafelipe

Felipe Lerda

@lerdafelipe532 followers678 tweets1,548 commits
96% match
avatar for muradmalqadi

Murad Alqadi MD

@muradmalqadi291 followers642 tweets1,631 commits
96% match
avatar for themarshmalon

Dialectic Aligned Digital Vineeth

@themarshmalon129 followers663 tweets1,529 commits
96% match
avatar for maniac_en


@maniac_en103 followers530 tweets1,577 commits
96% match
avatar for wilsonjugia


@wilsonjugia340 followers545 tweets1,547 commits
96% match
avatar for soon_iter


@soon_iter501 followers679 tweets1,540 commits
96% match
avatar for freezed_ice


@freezed_ice414 followers614 tweets1,670 commits
95% match
avatar for _alexbiryukov_


@_alexbiryukov_300 followers651 tweets1,639 commits
95% match