Kacper Szarkiewicz🦈 spends 17% of their time tweeting and 83% of their time coding
Kacper Szarkiewicz🦈 and albs — 3/staccs are 96% compatible as cofounders
albs — 3/staccs
4,122 tweets
654 commits
avatar for albfresco
albs — 3/staccs spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
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avatar for hiteshdotcom

Hitesh Choudhary

@hiteshdotcom32,474 followers4,115 tweets871 commits
99% match
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Cardiff Electric's Intern

@kalves_rohan316 followers4,156 tweets836 commits
99% match
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Charae ⚛️

@charae_keow587 followers4,185 tweets861 commits
98% match
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T. Costa

@tcosta_co10,011 followers4,112 tweets718 commits
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@obluda3359 followers4,106 tweets723 commits
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@lilobase4,412 followers4,066 tweets760 commits
98% match
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Shrihari Mohan

@papashrihari125 followers4,109 tweets716 commits
98% match
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@aqyuki21s214 followers4,031 tweets856 commits
98% match
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@aldresus115 followers4,121 tweets705 commits
97% match
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@lucianosb1,032 followers4,052 tweets758 commits
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Ardhi Putra Pratama

@ardhipoetra270 followers3,981 tweets831 commits
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Hamed 

@haamedkhosravii613 followers4,001 tweets851 commits
97% match
avatar for tomislavmamic

Tomo 👻

@tomislavmamic1,192 followers4,213 tweets864 commits
97% match
avatar for diegopatas_


@diegopatas_155 followers4,231 tweets776 commits
97% match
avatar for albfresco

albs — 3/staccs

@albfresco1,043 followers4,122 tweets654 commits
96% match