The best cofounder for Shubham Sharma is...

avatar for gerbsec
avatar for shubhamku044
Shubham Sharma
1,395 tweets
2,104 commits
Shubham Sharma spends 40% of their time tweeting and 60% of their time coding
Shubham Sharma and gerbsec are 98% compatible as cofounders
2,052 tweets
1,388 commits
avatar for gerbsec
gerbsec spends 60% of their time tweeting and 40% of their time coding
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@vicjajsalu279 followers2,049 tweets1,379 commits
98% match
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🐯 200Tigersbloxed 🏒

@realtigerbl0xed116 followers2,143 tweets1,436 commits
98% match
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Tonino Catapano

@tonnoz234 followers2,161 tweets1,432 commits
97% match
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Sven-Michael Stübe 🇪🇺🌱

@stuebe2k14633 followers2,081 tweets1,309 commits
97% match
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Gabriel Streza

@gabestreza979 followers2,009 tweets1,414 commits
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Robert Knight

@robknight_374 followers2,025 tweets1,359 commits
97% match
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Jim Geovedi

@geovedi22,086 followers2,180 tweets1,434 commits
97% match
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Alexander Hupfer

@alexanderhupfer2,677 followers2,170 tweets1,448 commits
97% match
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@tito_cda862 followers2,225 tweets1,397 commits
96% match
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@sree_harsha_n459 followers1,998 tweets1,364 commits
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@sourin_inc138 followers2,017 tweets1,450 commits
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Francisco Campos

@ofranciscampos167 followers2,154 tweets1,490 commits
96% match
avatar for bhavyawahie

Bhavya Wahie

@bhavyawahie149 followers2,118 tweets1,259 commits
96% match
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Ashish Chawda (He/Him)

@ashish11chawda1,192 followers2,070 tweets1,278 commits
96% match
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@sharqawidev217 followers2,230 tweets1,366 commits
96% match