avatar for snugwarms
7,755 tweets
57 commits
warms spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
warms and Ignacio Hagopian are 99% compatible as cofounders
Ignacio Hagopian
144 tweets
7,745 commits
avatar for ignaciohagopian
Ignacio Hagopian spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
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avatar for darioielardi

Dario Ielardi

@darioielardi94 followers47 tweets7,776 commits
100% match
avatar for med_aimane

Mohamed Aimane | React Native/Expo App Developer⚛️

@med_aimane142 followers33 tweets7,763 commits
100% match
avatar for ahsanzizan


@ahsanzizan9 followers69 tweets7,733 commits
100% match
avatar for simon_mo_

Simon Mo

@simon_mo_398 followers70 tweets7,728 commits
99% match
avatar for xnerhu

Mikołaj Palkiewicz

@xnerhu28 followers51 tweets7,709 commits
99% match
avatar for jaimeatwork

Jaime Barillas

@jaimeatwork0 followers0 tweets7,764 commits
99% match
avatar for niccholaspage


@niccholaspage60 followers10 tweets7,716 commits
99% match
avatar for ignaciohagopian

Ignacio Hagopian

@ignaciohagopian475 followers144 tweets7,745 commits
99% match
avatar for kevinbai0

Kevin Bai

@kevinbai0438 followers96 tweets7,816 commits
99% match
avatar for aojea

ana ojea

@aojea28 followers3 tweets7,706 commits
99% match
avatar for bouhuolia

Ahmed Bouhuolia — oss/acc

@bouhuolia148 followers163 tweets7,751 commits
99% match
avatar for fofajardo

Francis Fajardo (@fajardo@fosstodon.org)

@fofajardo35 followers102 tweets7,827 commits
99% match
avatar for amiwrpremium


@amiwrpremium42 followers28 tweets7,861 commits
98% match
avatar for giorgospago

George Pagonoudis ⚡

@giorgospago42 followers148 tweets7,707 commits
98% match
avatar for alexesba

Alejandro Espinoza B

@alexesba89 followers52 tweets7,615 commits
98% match
avatar for cboxdk

Sylvester Damgaard

@cboxdk114 followers55 tweets7,920 commits
98% match