avatar for stephomi
Stéphane Ginier
742 tweets
2,079 commits
Stéphane Ginier spends 26% of their time tweeting and 74% of their time coding
Stéphane Ginier and Richson Simmz are 96% compatible as cofounders
Richson Simmz
2,076 tweets
841 commits
avatar for dadycodes
Richson Simmz spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
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avatar for branko_h

Branko Haberkon 🇦🇷

@branko_h141 followers2,039 tweets727 commits
98% match
avatar for jccdev

jordan 🚮

@jccdev43 followers2,059 tweets702 commits
98% match
avatar for dasritav


@dasritav737 followers2,046 tweets702 commits
97% match
avatar for bozo10n


@bozo10n828 followers2,047 tweets698 commits
97% match
avatar for tbeijen

Tibo Beijen

@tbeijen413 followers2,033 tweets704 commits
97% match
avatar for bytemohit

Mohit Goyal

@bytemohit478 followers2,073 tweets662 commits
97% match
avatar for mikeguijarro

Mike (Fake Tech Exec) 📈

@mikeguijarro137 followers2,047 tweets797 commits
97% match
avatar for inovvia


@inovvia40 followers2,016 tweets767 commits
97% match
avatar for neutr0n420

aryan bramhane | neutr0n420.lens 🌿

@neutr0n420937 followers2,146 tweets708 commits
96% match
avatar for itswilsonhou

Wilson Hou

@itswilsonhou1,361 followers2,103 tweets819 commits
96% match
avatar for dadycodes

Richson Simmz

@dadycodes1,138 followers2,076 tweets841 commits
96% match
avatar for camkemdev


@camkemdev514 followers2,099 tweets825 commits
96% match
avatar for argenistherose


@argenistherose505 followers2,173 tweets724 commits
96% match
avatar for caioluders


@caioluders1,598 followers2,158 tweets781 commits
96% match
avatar for divineamunega


@divineamunega127 followers2,041 tweets826 commits
96% match
avatar for alistairmcleay

Alistair McLeay

@alistairmcleay578 followers2,082 tweets863 commits
96% match