avatar for suryavirkapur
Suryavir Kapur
285 tweets
1,164 commits
Suryavir Kapur spends 20% of their time tweeting and 80% of their time coding
Suryavir Kapur and Lauri Nurmi are 94% compatible as cofounders
Lauri Nurmi
1,128 tweets
332 commits
avatar for sgull_dev
Lauri Nurmi spends 77% of their time tweeting and 23% of their time coding
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avatar for giacomodetomaso

Giacomo Detomaso

@giacomodetomaso83 followers1,170 tweets296 commits
99% match
avatar for xxpoggyislitxx


@xxpoggyislitxx5,992 followers1,163 tweets255 commits
98% match
avatar for mohey_e_maher


@mohey_e_maher240 followers1,194 tweets276 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xameya


@0xameya1,402 followers1,148 tweets261 commits
97% match
avatar for dmztdhruv

dmztDhruv ☯️

@dmztdhruv92 followers1,201 tweets278 commits
97% match
avatar for cyco_programmer

Aritra Ghosh 𝕏

@cyco_programmer121 followers1,159 tweets242 commits
97% match
avatar for _muhammedr

Muhammad Ramadan

@_muhammedr21 followers1,168 tweets231 commits
96% match
avatar for createdbygabi


@createdbygabi640 followers1,172 tweets234 commits
96% match
avatar for kvbaxi

kvba #FixTF2

@kvbaxi57 followers1,154 tweets334 commits
96% match
avatar for michaelisvy


@michaelisvy462 followers1,117 tweets301 commits
96% match
avatar for geronimo_ai


@geronimo_ai880 followers1,224 tweets277 commits
95% match
avatar for johnmontenegro

João Montenegro

@johnmontenegro698 followers1,188 tweets239 commits
95% match
avatar for demitroim

Demitroi Marshall 🌕

@demitroim36 followers1,124 tweets318 commits
95% match
avatar for rsaladocid

Rubén Salado ⊸₨

@rsaladocid646 followers1,133 tweets335 commits
94% match
avatar for sgull_dev

Lauri Nurmi

@sgull_dev92 followers1,128 tweets332 commits
94% match
avatar for jukishio

Diego Serrano

@jukishio42 followers1,106 tweets259 commits
94% match