avatar for sycration
290 tweets
245 commits
sycration spends 54% of their time tweeting and 46% of their time coding
sycration and Luke  are 93% compatible as cofounders
Luke 
279 tweets
294 commits
avatar for lukegotbored
Luke  spends 49% of their time tweeting and 51% of their time coding
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avatar for _bilnaa


@_bilnaa218 followers251 tweets290 commits
99% match
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@stdfox31 followers248 tweets285 commits
99% match
avatar for voromade


@voromade224 followers246 tweets279 commits
98% match
avatar for ritikapahwa4444

Ritika Pahwa

@ritikapahwa444450 followers249 tweets280 commits
97% match
avatar for takshakmudgal


@takshakmudgal53 followers233 tweets299 commits
96% match
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Luifer Eduardo Ortega

@luifereduardoo12 followers265 tweets285 commits
95% match
avatar for leyton_network

Leyton ヅ

@leyton_network348 followers250 tweets315 commits
94% match
avatar for carterisonline


@carterisonline66 followers232 tweets272 commits
94% match
avatar for mukuls_twt

Mukul Bhardwaj

@mukuls_twt106 followers273 tweets298 commits
93% match
avatar for lukegotbored

Luke 

@lukegotbored87 followers279 tweets294 commits
93% match
avatar for lakshayyyyee


@lakshayyyyee61 followers234 tweets318 commits
93% match
avatar for idhant297


@idhant297260 followers257 tweets263 commits
93% match
avatar for vishesh0504

Vishesh Panchal

@vishesh050427 followers230 tweets316 commits
92% match
avatar for oyee_rohit

Rohit Kumar

@oyee_rohit173 followers263 tweets313 commits
92% match
avatar for pisyek

Ahmad Pisyek (P. Tech)

@pisyek1,160 followers257 tweets261 commits
92% match
avatar for banditelolrp

Aditya Rachman Putra

@banditelolrp193 followers219 tweets275 commits
92% match