avatar for tanishtirpathi
Tanish Tirpathi
211 tweets
169 commits
Tanish Tirpathi spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
Tanish Tirpathi and Rafael Quintero ๐Ÿ are 97% compatible as cofounders
Rafael Quintero ๐Ÿ spends 45% of their time tweeting and 55% of their time coding
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@futinghe42 followers175 tweets208 commits
98% match
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Juned Khatri

@junedkhatri31149 followers168 tweets202 commits
97% match
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Rafael Quintero ๐Ÿ

@rplusq347 followers175 tweets217 commits
97% match
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Moirangthem Romenkumar

@romenlong122 followers168 tweets222 commits
97% match
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Pubudu Jayawardana

@pubudusj684 followers180 tweets209 commits
97% match
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@lx0100x60 followers172 tweets221 commits
97% match
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@fitzxel16 followers160 tweets216 commits
96% match
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@iharsh0220 followers185 tweets209 commits
95% match
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@luisguisado1990122 followers183 tweets206 commits
95% match
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@sukumarsawant6 followers160 tweets222 commits
95% match
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@julian_center57 followers151 tweets216 commits
94% match
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Agustรญn Garcรญa

@agusigarcia80 followers171 tweets189 commits
94% match
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Tirth Nandha ๎จ€

@tirthnandha65 followers169 tweets186 commits
93% match
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@the0d4y13 followers193 tweets212 commits
93% match
avatar for sergionvte

Sergio ๐Ÿช

@sergionvte20 followers175 tweets191 commits
93% match
avatar for outoutxyz


@outoutxyz762 followers158 tweets229 commits
92% match