The best cofounder for Siddhant Jain is...

avatar for jdejesus93
avatar for techysiddhant
Siddhant Jain
364 tweets
2,254 commits
Siddhant Jain spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
Siddhant Jain and GUAM are 100% compatible as cofounders
2,258 tweets
370 commits
avatar for jdejesus93
GUAM spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
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Uğur Dalkıran ⚛️

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98% match
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Mostafa El Ayoubi

@data_shapes2,354 followers2,184 tweets363 commits
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P4p€$@m₿@ J¤¤P 🇸🇳 🇨🇩 🇵🇸

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Rajko Radovanović

@rajko_rad4,725 followers2,311 tweets323 commits
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@0xdef18,489 followers2,164 tweets376 commits
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⚡S A K A

@saka_codes294 followers2,167 tweets381 commits
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Todsaporn Sangboon

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eepyEunomia 🇵🇪🏳️‍⚧️

@eepyeunomia131 followers2,252 tweets254 commits
96% match
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Jack Wen

@jacklucksack326 followers2,210 tweets289 commits
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Alexys Lozada

@alexyslozada3,866 followers2,322 tweets417 commits
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