The best cofounder for Тyler is...

avatar for isaumya
Saumya Majumder
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3,609 tweets
9,687 commits
Тyler spends 27% of their time tweeting and 73% of their time coding
Тyler and Saumya Majumder are 99% compatible as cofounders
Saumya Majumder
9,589 tweets
3,614 commits
avatar for isaumya
Saumya Majumder spends 73% of their time tweeting and 27% of their time coding
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@rashiq10,476 followers9,681 tweets3,727 commits
99% match
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Petr Hurtak

@petrhurtak563 followers9,840 tweets3,724 commits
98% match
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Petko D. Petkov

@pdp5,901 followers9,456 tweets3,652 commits
98% match
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Kent Fenwick

@kentf2,020 followers9,785 tweets3,419 commits
98% match
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Alessandro De Blasis

@polymatto381 followers9,924 tweets3,705 commits
97% match
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@madisonkanna61,069 followers9,319 tweets3,489 commits
96% match
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Alex Bowe

@alexbowe1,903 followers10,037 tweets3,755 commits
96% match
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Qisthi Ramadhani

@ramageek270 followers9,273 tweets3,692 commits
96% match
avatar for vicktormanuel

Victor Manuel 🇲🇽🇯🇵

@vicktormanuel506 followers9,401 tweets3,384 commits
96% match
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@leeight4,374 followers10,119 tweets3,486 commits
96% match
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Sergio Xalambrí

@sergiodxa6,880 followers9,361 tweets3,887 commits
95% match
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Praveen Puglia

@praveenpuglia956 followers9,142 tweets3,535 commits
95% match
avatar for malipetek


@malipetek392 followers9,184 tweets3,478 commits
95% match
avatar for kassandraeth

mrs kzg.eth

@kassandraeth2,594 followers10,323 tweets3,596 commits
95% match
avatar for melkeydev


@melkeydev19,594 followers9,586 tweets4,158 commits
95% match