The best cofounder for Rohith Borana is...

avatar for amsoicy
avatar for therohithborana
Rohith Borana
486 tweets
243 commits
Rohith Borana spends 67% of their time tweeting and 33% of their time coding
Rohith Borana and icy are 98% compatible as cofounders
240 tweets
476 commits
avatar for amsoicy
icy spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
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Ahmed Abd El-Gawad

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Manu Núñez

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Mauricio Garibello

@mgaribellor59 followers260 tweets498 commits
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Azim Hamza ✸

@azimhamxa183 followers225 tweets467 commits
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Iris van Ollefen

@irisvanollefen64 followers246 tweets451 commits
95% match
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Normandes Junior

@normandesjr375 followers221 tweets469 commits
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Akshat Gurnani

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Max Brillant

@max_brillant177 followers237 tweets522 commits
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Rabeeh ⚡️

@rabeehrz70 followers278 tweets493 commits
94% match