avatar for tristanbob
Tristan Rhodes
5,592 tweets
1,532 commits
Tristan Rhodes spends 78% of their time tweeting and 22% of their time coding
Tristan Rhodes and mitchellh are 96% compatible as cofounders
1,336 tweets
5,509 commits
avatar for mitchellh
mitchellh spends 20% of their time tweeting and 80% of their time coding
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avatar for zernonia


@zernonia2,141 followers1,557 tweets5,674 commits
98% match
avatar for luca020400

Luca Stefani

@luca0204001,404 followers1,653 tweets5,569 commits
98% match
avatar for der_neuere


@der_neuere205 followers1,458 tweets5,513 commits
98% match
avatar for sergiofbsilva

Sérgio Silva

@sergiofbsilva333 followers1,601 tweets5,455 commits
97% match
avatar for claydiffrient

Clay Diffrient

@claydiffrient192 followers1,351 tweets5,626 commits
97% match
avatar for miguderp

Miguel Peixe Aldeias

@miguderp261 followers1,391 tweets5,687 commits
97% match
avatar for akamfoad

Akam Foad

@akamfoad291 followers1,683 tweets5,681 commits
97% match
avatar for ismailozcelik

İsmail Özçelik

@ismailozcelik148 followers1,712 tweets5,653 commits
97% match
avatar for mitchellh


@mitchellh0 followers1,336 tweets5,509 commits
96% match
avatar for alexi_be3

Alexi 🦄 🚀 🐶

@alexi_be3203 followers1,682 tweets5,447 commits
96% match
avatar for crudh

Christian Rudh

@crudh73 followers1,244 tweets5,576 commits
96% match
avatar for mscccc

Mike Coutermarsh

@mscccc9,835 followers1,735 tweets5,483 commits
96% match
avatar for thegoleffect

Van Nguyen

@thegoleffect1,861 followers1,358 tweets5,730 commits
96% match
avatar for chiro8x

Chiro Hiro

@chiro8x777 followers1,721 tweets5,464 commits
96% match
avatar for vbitz

Joshua Scarsbrook

@vbitz249 followers1,521 tweets5,899 commits
96% match
avatar for xlmnxp

Salem Yaslem سالم يسلم

@xlmnxp573 followers1,603 tweets5,845 commits
95% match