The best cofounder for Utkarsh Tiwari is...

avatar for sandipankundu42
Sandipan Kundu 🛠
avatar for utkarshthedev
Utkarsh Tiwari
177 tweets
398 commits
Utkarsh Tiwari spends 31% of their time tweeting and 69% of their time coding
Utkarsh Tiwari and Sandipan Kundu 🛠 are 98% compatible as cofounders
Sandipan Kundu 🛠 spends 68% of their time tweeting and 32% of their time coding
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@zederbear5 followers385 tweets176 commits
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Computer Bread

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Adarsh Sable

@sable_do54 followers404 tweets202 commits
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Chhorn Ponleu

@chhornponleu25 followers375 tweets185 commits
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Manas Patil

@manaspatil1404120 followers421 tweets188 commits
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Adhishtanaka Kulasooriya

@adhishtanaka43 followers409 tweets201 commits
94% match