avatar for virattt
6,133 tweets
4,719 commits
virat spends 57% of their time tweeting and 43% of their time coding
virat and Harry Cramer are 97% compatible as cofounders
Harry Cramer
4,898 tweets
6,280 commits
avatar for harrisoncramer
Harry Cramer spends 44% of their time tweeting and 56% of their time coding
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avatar for gtramontina

Guilherme Tramontina

@gtramontina473 followers4,827 tweets6,099 commits
99% match
avatar for kylerush

Kyle Rush

@kylerush3,453 followers4,938 tweets6,068 commits
97% match
avatar for xing0x


@xing0x1,121 followers4,919 tweets6,226 commits
97% match
avatar for harrisoncramer

Harry Cramer

@harrisoncramer1,106 followers4,898 tweets6,280 commits
97% match
avatar for alexpalcuie


@alexpalcuie1,511 followers4,714 tweets5,807 commits
97% match
avatar for tonilopezmr

Toni López

@tonilopezmr650 followers4,432 tweets6,214 commits
97% match
avatar for hummus_im

Pablo D. A.

@hummus_im94 followers4,881 tweets6,352 commits
96% match
avatar for waterplea

Alex Inkin

@waterplea5,978 followers4,391 tweets6,053 commits
96% match
avatar for rawkode

David Flanagan

@rawkode12,965 followers4,412 tweets6,030 commits
96% match
avatar for juberti

Justin Uberti

@juberti9,717 followers4,834 tweets6,463 commits
96% match
avatar for fykowo

Carter 🍯

@fykowo513 followers4,350 tweets6,039 commits
96% match
avatar for mappletons

Maggie Appleton

@mappletons37,699 followers4,723 tweets5,660 commits
96% match
avatar for kenakafrosty

Ken aka Frosty 🔜 DreamHack Dallas

@kenakafrosty1,979 followers5,045 tweets5,977 commits
96% match
avatar for obetomuniz

Beto Muniz

@obetomuniz2,322 followers4,753 tweets5,665 commits
95% match
avatar for brandonkpbailey


@brandonkpbailey1,099 followers4,848 tweets6,513 commits
95% match
avatar for vipulgupta2048

Vipul Gupta

@vipulgupta20481,552 followers5,047 tweets6,351 commits
95% match