avatar for vrayco
Rayco Velázquez
27 tweets
3,575 commits
Rayco Velázquez spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
Rayco Velázquez and Nicolas are 98% compatible as cofounders
3,645 tweets
24 commits
avatar for niconicoalarcon
Nicolas spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for 0xmanan


@0xmanan1,713 followers3,581 tweets38 commits
100% match
avatar for quentinwatt

Quentin Watt 🙃

@quentinwatt1,193 followers3,564 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for devcreationsde

Enrico Gruner 🇺🇦

@devcreationsde413 followers3,609 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for tomylbt


@tomylbt520 followers3,620 tweets1 commits
98% match
avatar for niconicoalarcon


@niconicoalarcon239 followers3,645 tweets24 commits
98% match
avatar for startynft

starty.stars - Stargaze 💗!

@startynft3,592 followers3,649 tweets27 commits
98% match
avatar for fullstackalien


@fullstackalien1,091 followers3,632 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for ramonmartins_9

potato salad

@ramonmartins_959 followers3,524 tweets63 commits
98% match
avatar for dustinsgoodman

Dustin Goodman

@dustinsgoodman912 followers3,637 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for randolfherrera

Randolf Herrera R

@randolfherrera399 followers3,628 tweets68 commits
97% match
avatar for kmskrishna

Sai Krishna Kothapalli (e/acc)

@kmskrishna2,345 followers3,552 tweets101 commits
97% match
avatar for yash_kr_verma

Yash Verma

@yash_kr_verma2,777 followers3,473 tweets31 commits
97% match
avatar for tomashonse13

el honse ⭐⭐⭐

@tomashonse1365 followers3,478 tweets57 commits
96% match
avatar for diegoleft

Diego Izquierdo

@diegoleft458 followers3,443 tweets23 commits
96% match
avatar for gnukeith


@gnukeith260 followers3,455 tweets50 commits
96% match
avatar for johnduff

John Duff

@johnduff1,807 followers3,702 tweets6 commits
96% match