avatar for vrukshaliii
1,447 tweets
410 commits
vrukshali spends 78% of their time tweeting and 22% of their time coding
vrukshali and DistributedDoge are 97% compatible as cofounders
372 tweets
1,464 commits
avatar for distributeddoge
DistributedDoge spends 20% of their time tweeting and 80% of their time coding
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avatar for brightprogramer

Siddharth Mishra

@brightprogramer389 followers402 tweets1,441 commits
99% match
avatar for 0xbhargav


@0xbhargav168 followers430 tweets1,445 commits
99% match
avatar for sadab_halim

Sadab Halim

@sadab_halim29 followers404 tweets1,419 commits
98% match
avatar for maanilv

Maanil Verma

@maanilv126 followers389 tweets1,460 commits
98% match
avatar for ojasarora2314

Ojas Arora

@ojasarora23146 followers408 tweets1,412 commits
98% match
avatar for zeryther


@zeryther519 followers444 tweets1,451 commits
98% match
avatar for lekhanshruprela

Lekhansh Ruprela

@lekhanshruprela58 followers374 tweets1,444 commits
98% match
avatar for yash__here

Yash Agarwal

@yash__here114 followers389 tweets1,419 commits
97% match
avatar for satyamknavneet

Satyam Kumar Navneet

@satyamknavneet232 followers409 tweets1,500 commits
97% match
avatar for distributeddoge


@distributeddoge167 followers372 tweets1,464 commits
97% match
avatar for iarjunbharti

Arjun Bharti

@iarjunbharti399 followers411 tweets1,503 commits
97% match
avatar for augustoalegon

Augusto Gonzalez

@augustoalegon612 followers457 tweets1,457 commits
97% match
avatar for merryrodger


@merryrodger325 followers356 tweets1,450 commits
97% match
avatar for arman2p284

Armando Peña

@arman2p28435 followers400 tweets1,495 commits
97% match
avatar for shashwats04

Shashwat Singh

@shashwats0489 followers406 tweets1,388 commits
97% match
avatar for iamwebhooked


@iamwebhooked147 followers380 tweets1,413 commits
97% match