avatar for vxfemboy
5,405 tweets
723 commits
sad spends 88% of their time tweeting and 12% of their time coding
sad and Artur Glyzin are 98% compatible as cofounders
Artur Glyzin
599 tweets
5,406 commits
avatar for forcelain
Artur Glyzin spends 10% of their time tweeting and 90% of their time coding
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avatar for knassar702

Khaled 🇵🇸🦀

@knassar702493 followers729 tweets5,372 commits
99% match
avatar for dadekuma


@dadekuma1,447 followers682 tweets5,406 commits
99% match
avatar for chrislovejoy_

Chris Lovejoy

@chrislovejoy_1,500 followers758 tweets5,421 commits
99% match
avatar for userquin


@userquin383 followers742 tweets5,460 commits
99% match
avatar for briancpark

Brian Park

@briancpark181 followers770 tweets5,473 commits
98% match
avatar for jg_sample

John-George Sample

@jg_sample158 followers684 tweets5,485 commits
98% match
avatar for forcelain

Artur Glyzin

@forcelain40 followers599 tweets5,406 commits
98% match
avatar for complexlity


@complexlity113 followers653 tweets5,464 commits
98% match
avatar for igorescodro

Igor Escodro

@igorescodro333 followers714 tweets5,553 commits
97% match
avatar for vagnermaltauro


@vagnermaltauro147 followers580 tweets5,424 commits
97% match
avatar for swapnil_bhavsar

Swapnil Bhavsar

@swapnil_bhavsar263 followers847 tweets5,444 commits
97% match
avatar for simonhfrost

Simon Frost

@simonhfrost213 followers815 tweets5,332 commits
97% match
avatar for feexiks


@feexiks40 followers642 tweets5,318 commits
97% match
avatar for rzashakeri

Reza Shakeri

@rzashakeri77 followers599 tweets5,355 commits
97% match
avatar for bilogansteve

Steve Bilogan 🇨🇦 🇺🇦

@bilogansteve380 followers779 tweets5,285 commits
97% match
avatar for viveknathani_

Vivek Nathani

@viveknathani_118 followers732 tweets5,236 commits
97% match