avatar for xn0kkx
1,593 tweets
252 commits
N0KK spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
N0KK and Raghav Bhat are 97% compatible as cofounders
Raghav Bhat
291 tweets
1,604 commits
avatar for raghavbhat02
Raghav Bhat spends 15% of their time tweeting and 85% of their time coding
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avatar for 0x23d11


@0x23d1117 followers247 tweets1,586 commits
99% match
avatar for iam_martin_mbae

Martin Mbae

@iam_martin_mbae399 followers233 tweets1,596 commits
99% match
avatar for vishal_21121

Vishal Singh

@vishal_2112124 followers242 tweets1,607 commits
99% match
avatar for doneberdev


@doneberdev44 followers246 tweets1,621 commits
98% match
avatar for sidhant_sarthak

Tnahdis Kathras (Parody)

@sidhant_sarthak160 followers246 tweets1,563 commits
98% match
avatar for wenquai


@wenquai6,584 followers244 tweets1,553 commits
97% match
avatar for raghavbhat02

Raghav Bhat

@raghavbhat02142 followers291 tweets1,604 commits
97% match
avatar for _vojto

Vojtech Rinik

@_vojto2,089 followers294 tweets1,583 commits
97% match
avatar for berkefex

berke efe

@berkefex25 followers201 tweets1,591 commits
97% match
avatar for fernandoxd1919

¡Fernando Cabrera G!

@fernandoxd1919187 followers228 tweets1,624 commits
97% match
avatar for notacheetah


@notacheetah145 followers195 tweets1,590 commits
97% match
avatar for dmallory42

Dan Mallory

@dmallory4283 followers248 tweets1,650 commits
97% match
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@0xraiden_196 followers192 tweets1,591 commits
97% match
avatar for elitecarlson


@elitecarlson127 followers208 tweets1,574 commits
97% match
avatar for k_tilo


@k_tilo79 followers309 tweets1,599 commits
97% match
avatar for javico_glez


@javico_glez70 followers282 tweets1,626 commits
97% match