avatar for yahakn
186 tweets
14 commits
hakn spends 93% of their time tweeting and 7% of their time coding
hakn and Marko Borojević are 96% compatible as cofounders
Marko Borojević
18 tweets
181 commits
avatar for boroworx
Marko Borojević spends 9% of their time tweeting and 91% of their time coding
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avatar for thischirag

Chirag Sharma

@thischirag321 followers12 tweets185 commits
99% match
avatar for tanoriruizs

Sebastian Gpe Tanori Ruiz

@tanoriruizs3 followers12 tweets181 commits
97% match
avatar for jillmolloy

Jill Molloy

@jillmolloy197 followers20 tweets185 commits
97% match
avatar for josebovet

Jose Bovet Derpich

@josebovet325 followers20 tweets187 commits
97% match
avatar for jamestiotio

James R T

@jamestiotio23 followers13 tweets192 commits
97% match
avatar for macarie_x


@macarie_x22 followers7 tweets187 commits
96% match
avatar for _kevinlu

Kevin Lu

@_kevinlu426 followers22 tweets185 commits
96% match
avatar for itsrohandev_

Rohan Dev Singh

@itsrohandev_10 followers18 tweets181 commits
96% match
avatar for peterewanfo

Peter Ewanfo

@peterewanfo98 followers20 tweets183 commits
96% match
avatar for boroworx

Marko Borojević

@boroworx10 followers18 tweets181 commits
96% match
avatar for axynos

Silver Sten Kruus

@axynos96 followers20 tweets182 commits
95% match
avatar for poetayetoe


@poetayetoe78 followers19 tweets180 commits
95% match
avatar for ihab07dev

Ihab Zaidi

@ihab07dev16 followers23 tweets188 commits
95% match
avatar for morgvanny


@morgvanny976 followers20 tweets191 commits
95% match
avatar for masmeert


@masmeert62 followers19 tweets193 commits
94% match
avatar for pedroanze

Pedro Anze

@pedroanze1 followers5 tweets182 commits
94% match